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Immediate Cash Flow


Earn quick returns with our short-term real estate lending options, providing high liquidity & attractive returns.
explore cash flow opportunities >>
Typical Hold: 6-18 Months
Typical Return: 8-10%+/-
Risk Tolerance:
Typical Hold: 12-36 Months
Targeted Return: 10%+
over the duration of the investment
Risk Tolerance:

Global Projects


Be a part of exciting global ventures like luxury hotels & innovative hospitality projects.
join our global
projects >>
Typical Hold: 4-7 Years
Targeted Return: 15%+
Risk Tolerance:
The content contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a public offering. Targeted returns are not a forward-looking statement; past performance should not be considered a guarantee of future returns. Any public offerings for accredited investors under Rule 506(c) of SEC Regulation D will require proof of accreditation status prior to participating in the offering.